Sports party invite

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What wording can I use for a sports party invitation?

Sports party invite

Here's the pitch...

It's Kevin's Fortieth Birthday
so let's get together and surprise him
Bring your hat and glove
and come for an afternoon of
food, fun and baseball
Saturday, July 5th at 2:00 pm
67 Leland Hill Road

Shhhh......don't let on!!
Marianne Holmes

Let's hoop it up!

Come join all your friends
for an afternoon
of basketball and barbecue
Saturday, the eleventh of June
at one o'clock
at the Powers residence
1224 Bonnie Lane
Seville, Georgia

Mark and Justin Powers

Stephen is turning 4!
Please come to his party
for bowling and fun!
Saturday, October 29
at 1:00 in the afternoon
Pizza and cake will be served
Candlepin Alley
325 Teaticket Highway
Marni and Adam Scharff
R.s.v.p. 555-555-5555

Wings over the Woodlands
Red Oak Hunting Club
cordially invites you to its annual dinner
at six thirty p.m.
Saturday, November the 12th
Red Oak Lodge, Highway 15N

Are you ready for some football!!
It's time for the Super Bowl!
January 30th
3:00 p.m.
34 Boxwood Drive
Beer and snacks
R.s.v.p. 555-5555

Cue Up for
Jason's 21st Birthday

Saturday, March 16th at 7:00 pm
Ledbetter's Pool Hall and Eatery
R.s.v.p. *555-5555 555 East River Drive

Holly*, Quinlan, Ashley, Keith, Eric, Michael,
Reed, Clara, Rim, Christie

Bridge with Betty
you'll come up trumps
if you join me
for a light lunch
followed by
an afternnon filled
with many a hand
(some hot and some not)

Thursday, August 8th
55 Longmeadow

We'll end the afternoon
with the gentlemen joining us for
Cocktails at 6:00 pm



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