Wine and Cheese party invites

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What wording can I use for a wine and cheese party invitation?

Wine and Cheese party invites

What a great way to celebrate an adult occassion with a wine and cheese party!!

Miss Hayley Anna Alsace
requests the grea pleasure
of your company
at a luncheon and private wine tasting
on Saturday afternoon
the twenty-fourth of March
Two thousand and six
from one until four o'clock
The Cypress Room
Blanchard Meadows Winery
Seven hundred thirty-nine Main Street
Glen Ellen, Illinois

Join us for a
Wine Tasting Party
Friday, March 9th
7:00 pm
131 Hillcrest Lane
R.s.v.p. by February 25th
The Gallaghers

You are invited to a
Wine Tasting in the Vineyard
at Chaddsford Winery

Friday, May 28th
7:00 pm

R.s.v.p. Cynthia Smith

The cellar is full - so it's time to drink
Let's sample them all red and white - No Pink!
What better way to enjoy the wine
than to share it with friends so fine!!

Monday, December 10th
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
555 Savie Drive
Susan and Jack Thomas

Please bring your favorite hors d'oeurves



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